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Day 3: FRIDAY 13th

Day 3: FRIDAY 13th
November 13, 2015

Woke up after another rubbish nights sleep, the central line was so uncomfortable, but I could feel it start to ease off and my upper body finally start to relax.

The nurses came to get blood through my central line and usual BP, HR and temp checks. You don’t feel the blood going out, but they flush the wires afterwards with cold saline solution and you feel that go through the wires in your chest, which is a strange sensation. They also started me on steroids and lots of anti-drugs (anti-gout, anti-fungal etc). I had 14 pills to knock back, I’ve never taken so many pills in my life! But all important, so down the hatch they went.

I had a cannula put in my forearm for a CT scan later that day. I was starting to get used to the constant checking/bloods/drips. The CT checks all major organs and they do this for baseline and to check that there isn’t anything else going on.

I was then left on my own for a couple of hours which felt good as I had time to first and foremost tidy my hospital room (I do not like a messy abode!), and secondly time to try and make sense of what the hell happened over the last 2.5 days, and what was to come… Expectedly, I did not make much sense of it, but my room was tidy!!!

On my first day here I had been given information on the current research trial running in association with my age group and the type of Leukaemia I have. The research protocol was really interesting to read and similar to the research protocols at my work. This was something I was happy to consent to, after all this is how we progress science! In very basic terms, it is a randomised drug trial and so I may get standard care or standard care plus experimental drug/s at certain times throughout the treatment.

I had more visitors Friday night, two of my closest from home, Cheryl and Nicola. It was so great to see them and talk through the last few days, and just talk about normal life too. Thanks so much you two, you put me at ease… Mwah!

“Surround yourself with beautiful people” – this you can’t argue with… I feel truly blessed to have so many beautiful people supporting me.

Quote of the day

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Gandhi

December 11, 2015

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